As you prepare for the arrival of your little one, it's natural to wonder about what postpartum will look like - especially the amount of support you will need or even with which aspects of your new life you’ll want help with (or not).
Have you caught yourself dwelling between relying on family support or hiring professional assistance? Maybe at some point, you even considered having both?

We’ll explore the advantages of each type of support in hopes it eases some of the decision making regarding such a unique moment of your life.

Professional Postpartum Support
Professional postpartum support, provided by doulas or trained individuals, offers valuable benefits that complement family support:

Safe Space to Vent: Professional doulas provide a confidential and safe environment where you can express your concerns without any judgment. They offer compassionate listening, allowing you to release emotional burdens and find comfort in sharing your thoughts and feelings.

Non-judgmental Care: Professional doulas prioritize your well-being and respect your choices. Their unbiased support empowers you and encourages open communication, regardless of your parenting style or decisions.

Updated Evidence-Based Information: Postpartum doulas stay informed about the latest research and best practices. They provide up-to-date information on topics like breastfeeding, infant care, and postpartum recovery, enabling you to make informed decisions aligned with your values.

Family Support
Family support brings its own advantages that complement professional care:

Emotional Familiarity and Bond: Family members have a deep emotional connection with you and may already know about particular needs you may have. Their presence during the postpartum period could strengthen the bond between you, your baby, and your loved ones.

Cultural Traditions and Wisdom: Family support often includes cultural practices and wisdom passed down through generations. These traditions bring a sense of continuity and allow you to honour your cultural heritage during this special time.

Long-Term Assistance and Commitment: Unlike professional doulas who may have limited availability, family members often offer long-term support. Their commitment sometimes extends beyond the immediate postpartum phase, providing ongoing assistance as you navigate early parenthood.

Finding Balance and Embracing Both
Rather than choosing between professional and family support, embracing both can provide you with a harmonious balance and integrative care. In this arrangement, you’d:

Be seen and heard: You can clearly express your desires, boundaries, and expectations to both your professional doula and family members, nurturing a collaborative approach that respects your preferences and values their support.

Create a Supportive Network: Encourage collaboration between your professional doula and family members, leveraging their strengths and expertise to provide comprehensive care.

Have Personalized Support: Recognize that each type of support offers unique benefits. Professional doulas bring specialized knowledge, non-judgmental care, and a safe space to vent, while family members provide emotional familiarity, cultural traditions, and long-term commitment. Combine these elements to create a support system tailored to your needs.

In the postpartum journey, you don't have to choose between professional support or family support – you can have both. But while finding a balance between professional and family support is ideal, it's understandable that some may need to make a choice. If you find yourself in this situation, reflect on your needs, assess available resources, seek alternative sources of support, and be open to adjustments.

Remember, the most important thing is to ensure you have the support you need to thrive as a new parent.

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