During pregnancy, one organ takes on a vital role in supporting the growth and development of the baby—the placenta. Often referred to as the "queen of pregnancy," the placenta is a remarkable and complex organ with fascinating functions. 

In this blog post, we will explore its unique role, the cultural views surrounding it, and some intriguing facts. Additionally, we will discuss different ideas for what you can do with the placenta after birth.

Understanding the Placenta: An Unique Organ

The placenta is a temporary organ that develops in the uterus during pregnancy. It serves as a lifeline between the mother and the baby, providing essential functions:

Nutrient and Oxygen Supply: The placenta acts as a conduit, transferring nutrients and oxygen from the mother's bloodstream to the developing baby. Through the placenta, the baby receives the necessary nourishment for growth and development.

Waste Elimination: In addition to nutrient transfer, the placenta also aids in removing waste products and carbon dioxide from the baby's bloodstream. It acts as a filtration system, ensuring the baby's environment remains healthy.

Hormone Production: The placenta produces hormones, including human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), progesterone, and estrogen, which play crucial roles in maintaining pregnancy, supporting fetal development, and preparing the mother's body for childbirth.

Dysfunction of the Placenta

While the placenta is a remarkable organ, it can sometimes experience dysfunction, which may impact pregnancy. Some examples of placental dysfunction include:

Placenta Previa: In this condition, the placenta partially or completely covers the cervix, which can lead to bleeding and complications during childbirth.

Placental Abruption: This occurs when the placenta separates from the uterine wall before delivery, potentially causing heavy bleeding and compromising the baby's oxygen supply.

Pre-eclampsia: A condition characterized by high blood pressure and organ damage, pre-eclampsia can impact placental function, leading to reduced blood flow to the baby.

Cultural Views on the Placenta

The placenta holds cultural significance in many societies around the world. Here are a few examples:

Rituals and Traditions:

Balinese Culture: In Bali, Indonesia, the placenta is considered sacred. After a baby is born, the placenta is carefully preserved and then buried in a special ceremony. The belief is that by burying the placenta, it connects the child to their homeland and ensures their long-lasting bond with the earth.

Maori Culture: Among the Maori people of New Zealand, the placenta, known as "whenua," is traditionally buried on ancestral land. This act symbolizes the connection between the child and their ancestral roots and is seen as a way to protect the child's future.

Igbo Culture: In Nigeria, the Igbo people have a tradition of burying the placenta to ensure a child's prosperity and connection to their homeland. The placenta is usually buried in a ceremony involving the planting of a tree, symbolizing growth and life.

Medicinal Beliefs:

Traditional Chinese Medicine: In Chinese culture, there is a belief that consuming placenta can have medicinal benefits. It is thought to boost a person's energy and overall health. Placental preparations may be used in soups or dried and ground into a powder for various medicinal purposes.

Hmong Culture: The Hmong people, an ethnic group from Southeast Asia, traditionally believe that the placenta contains the life force of the baby. They may bury the placenta near the family's home and use it in medicinal practices to heal illnesses or protect against evil spirits.

Navajo Culture: In Navajo culture, the placenta is considered a part of an individual's spiritual identity. It is often buried in a sacred location, and the belief is that this ensures the person's well-being and connection to their Navajo heritage.

These examples illustrate the diversity of rituals and beliefs surrounding the placenta in different cultures. It's important to note that these practices can vary within each culture and may evolve over time, but they demonstrate the significance of the placenta in cultural and traditional contexts.

Quick and Interesting Placenta Facts

Size and Weight: The placenta can vary in size, but it is usually around 6-8 inches in diameter and weighs approximately 1-1.5 pounds.

Self-Disposal: After childbirth, the placenta is expelled from the mother's body through the process known as the "third stage of labor."

Unique DNA: The placenta carries the baby's DNA, which can differ from the mother's DNA due to the presence of the father's genetic material.

Ideas for Placenta After Birth

Placenta Encapsulation: Some individuals choose to have their placenta encapsulated, meaning it is dehydrated, ground into powder, and placed into capsules. Advocates believe that consuming the placenta in this form may provide various health benefits.It's essential to note that the limited scientific evidence available on placenta encapsulation does not provide strong support for the claimed health benefits. The practice remains controversial, and many healthcare professionals advise caution. 

Donation for Medical Research: In some regions, individuals have the option to donate their placenta to medical research facilities. This helps advance scientific knowledge and medical advancements.

Placenta Prints: Placenta prints involve gently pressing the placenta onto a piece of paper or fabric to create a unique artistic representation. It can serve as a meaningful keepsake or even be incorporated into birth announcements or baby books.

Plant Fertilizer: Some individuals choose to bury the placenta in their garden as a way to honor the life-giving properties it represents. The nutrients in the placenta can act as natural fertilizer, nourishing the soil and promoting plant growth.

Commemorative Art or Jewelry: Artists and jewelers offer services to preserve and encapsulate small sections of the placenta in resin or create custom artwork or jewelry pieces. These creations can serve as personal mementos, symbolizing the connection between the mother, baby, and the placenta.

Remember, the decision of what to do with the placenta after birth is entirely personal. It is important to discuss your options, beliefs, and preferences with your healthcare provider, doula, or support network to make an informed decision that aligns with your values and cultural practices.


The placenta holds a significant role in pregnancy, acting as the lifeline between mother and baby. It performs essential functions, ensuring the baby receives nutrients, oxygen, and a healthy environment to thrive. The placenta also carries cultural significance in various societies around the world.

Understanding the placenta's unique role, the potential for dysfunction, and exploring the cultural views surrounding it can deepen our appreciation for this incredible organ. Additionally, considering different ideas for what to do with the placenta after birth allows for personal choices and meaningful ways to honor its significance.

Whether you choose to explore the placenta's potential benefits, incorporate it into artistic creations, or follow cultural traditions, the decision is yours to make. Embrace the wonder and awe of the placenta, recognizing its vital contribution to the journey of pregnancy and birth.

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